Who pays and who benefits from a massive expansion of solar power?
Electricity generation produces a quarter of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The electric grid also is highly …
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yaKesho ▶ Posts by Felix Mormann
Felix Mormann is Professor of Law and Professor of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Professor Mormann's research interests lie at the intersection of law and innovation in the context of climate, environmental and energy law. Drawing on his background as an internationally trained lawyer, Mormann currently investigates policy challenges and opportunities along the path to sustainable energy economy. His work has appeared in Boston College Law Review, Florida Law Review, UC Davis Law Review, Washington Law Review, Harvard Environmental Law Review, Yale Journal on Regulation, and Nature Climate Change, among others.
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Electricity generation produces a quarter of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. The electric grid also is highly …